Here's a sample of what's showing up in my spam file lately. They all say they're from MSNBC. I wish they were real!
BREAKING NEWS: [video] Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Di...
BREAKING NEWS: Iran Kicks America In The Nuts
BREAKING NEWS: Elvis is alive! Watch the proof.
BREAKING NEWS: Gays Banned From Owning Pets In New York
BREAKING NEWS: Rapper 50 Cent To Be John Mccains Choice For Vp
BREAKING NEWS: Unemployed To Be Used For Soup
BREAKING NEWS: School Board Adopts Gay-Ass Uniform Policy
BREAKING NEWS: Brave Suicide Bomber Survives Blast!
BREAKING NEWS: Barack Obama Caught In A Time Warp
BREAKING NEWS: Arkansas Democratic chair shot at HQ dies
BREAKING NEWS: Michigan 'Joker' Sentenced To 1 Day In Jail
BREAKING NEWS: UK Government Put on 'Special Measures' - Private Managers t...
BREAKING NEWS: Airlines Roll Out New Punch-In-The-Face Fee
BREAKING NEWS: Exclusive: Barack Obama Can Fly Through The Air Like That Gu...
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Pasty Putrid Putin-Loving Wazoo
Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show: Pasty
Putrid Putin-Loving Wazoo -- With Cliff Schecter. The Dark Ride begins
again. Dona...
14 hours ago
Don't click! There's a virus under one of those links!
I rarely go into my spam folder anymore, unless I suspect something I've been waiting on has accidently ended up there. Which is why I checked it just a few minutes ago and saw exactly what you mentioned!
One of them is a real story (the Arkansas Democratic chair who died), but the rest, yeah, pretty wild. Did you get the one about the Nancy Pelosi video, too?
I'm also getting a lot of spam that's all weird little boxes with numbers in them.
Needless to say, none are opened!
I just wish the email I was looking for would show up so I don't have to wade through the junk again.
Good point. You're right -- don't click those links! I knew they weren't real, but I moused over them anyway, just to see the URL in the whatever-that-field-is-called box at the bottom. It was definitely bogus, but I remember thinking it was a pretty deceptive fake.
I scan my spam folder every day or so and delete everything. Ever since that famous writer, Frank Baron, told that wonderful story of the fanmail he got that he almost missed because it somehow went to spam.
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