Thursday, December 02, 2010

Beautiful Crazy Soup

The carrots, bell pepper, and bok choi combine beautifully in this straightforward soup. When I made this, I roasted vegetables in the oven too with the idea that I'd have sauteed and roasted beautiful crazy soup. But the soup seemed so complete without the roast vegetables (rutabaga, parsnips, turnip, purple potatoes) that I served them separately after all.

Makes about 10 servings.

3 tblspns olive oil
1 onion diced
1 lb chicken, red pepper, spinach sausage, sliced
2 carrots sliced thinly
2 stalks celery sliced thinly
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 tsp tumeric
1 tsp cumin
1/8 tsp cayenne
2 cans (or equivalent homemade) pinto beans (drain one, use one's juice)
1 quart chicken broth
1/2 a large bok choi, washed and sliced, whites separated from greens

In a big soup pot, heat oil over medium high heat. Add onions and sausage. Cook, stirring frequently, until onions begin to soften. Add carrots, celery, and bell pepper. Stir well. Add spices. Cook, stirring frequently until vegetables begin to soften. Add beans and broth. Add whites of bok choi. Cook until broth begins to simmer. Add bok choi greens. Cook until soup is hot and greens are wilted. Serve.

Got crunchy bread? Parmesan might be nice. Mmmm, maybe a dollop of pesto.

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